Protect employees and your workplace during an infectious outbreak
BCG supports our clients through all types of disasters and crises including COVID-19. We offer virtual Workshops for Restarting Operations, a proprietary COVID-19 Screening App, and COVID-19 Screening Hardware. BCG staff have completed the John Hopkins University COVID-19 Contract Tracing certificate course.
BCG can help your organization deal with COVID-19. We offer targeted solutions that help your organization continue and restart operations:
Workshop for Restarting Operations - This virtual workshop will help develop your own custom roadmap for restarting your operations after the disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop address People, Facilities, Messaging & Communications, and Resources & Logistics. Our staff will customize the workshop for your organization, host the virtual event, facilitate the workshop, document the responses, and provide a report from the workshop which will serve as a roadmap for restarting your operations.
COVID 19 Screening Hardware – We offer an affordable streamline temperature measurement, using thermal imaging to detect elevated temperatures at the front door. This is a fast, accurate and automated product that does not require a headcount to operate and is a standalone unit that can be set up in minutes.
COVID 19 Screening App - SafetyCount Pandemic provides an easier and more efficient way to screen the COVID-19 exposure risk of your employees. SafetyCount Pandemic is a web-based application. The only requirements to use SafetyCount Pandemic are a browser and access to the internet. SafetyCount Pandemic has an employee interface to be used by employees, contractors, and visitors to your building, facility, jobsite, or any other place you wish to screen people before entry. A separate Admin interface provides Screening Reports and Resources for management.
Costs are as low as $0.25 per person/per month. Enterprise organizations even lower. SafetyCount Pandemic comes in both a Business version and a Sport Version.

Sign up and Send Link
First step is to sign up for an account to create a unique Company page and send your Company page link to your employees

Health Information
Have your employees fill out the simple screening form with automated directions for their next step

Analyze and Decide
View and analyze the data submitted by employees to understand their status and help manage your operational decisions and plans
Start Now - Go to safetycountpandemic.com to sign up for free with SafetyCount Pandemic

Workers who believe that their employer provides a safe and healthy workplace are more likely to report to work during a pandemic. Clear communication promotes confidence in the employer's ability to protect workers.
- OSHA FactSheet: Protecting Workers during a Pandemic.